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If your business is doing or making something to keep this planet healthy and habitable, then we are here to help.

Our goal at Troposphere is to help businesses like yours achieve greater commercial success. Because that way everybody wins.​


We do this by applying our expertise in two areas: your brand, and your people.


We help develop powerful brands, and we know how to leverage them through effective marketing and communications programmes. And we cultivate talent and leadership among individuals and teams, to make sure their energies are aligned with the needs of the business.


When your brand truly reflects the motivations of your people, and your people embody the vision and values of the brand, that's when the magic happens.


If you're looking to maximise the impact of your brand and your people - while also maintaining a world that's fit for us all to live in - then we'd love to help. If that sounds interesting, let's chat.



Once you release your brand into the outside world, you no longer have control over it.


But there's a lot you can do to encourage it to work hard on your behalf.​


Your success relies on harnessing your people's skills and energies to generate positive impact.


We work with teams and individuals to shift mindsets and behaviours, and unlock their full potential


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Sean Purdy

We’d been asking ourselves for a while how best we could help prevent and mitigate the effects of climate change (and all the other environmental damage that’s accruing out there).


We concluded that we could make the biggest impact by putting our professional skills to work in helping businesses that directly address the problem.


That’s why we founded Troposphere.

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Jacqui Purdy


Our clients typically have two things in common: first, they're doing something that directly benefits our environmental wellbeing. And second, they are looking for specialist expertise that their internal teams can't necessarily provide.


Our services are geared mostly for businesses that are dealing with transitions and changes of direction, or are striving to up their game. (If everything's running smoothly in BAU mode, you probably don't need us.)

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Troposphere is a trading name of Purdy Jewell Ventures Ltd


© 2025 Troposphere

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